How to Thrift Shop + My Recent Antique Finds
Knowing what to look for, or even where to begin, in an overwhelming thrift store or antique shop can be quite the challenge. Over the last several years, my friends and I absolutely love to go thrifting, and mom and I have made countless trips to antique shops. So today, I will be sharing with you my ultimate tips and tricks to navigating, and finding what you're looking for in these massive, cluttered stores.

Tips for Antique or Thrift Shopping
- Set aside an afternoon, or several hours for this occasion. Grab a coffee with your friends and start shopping, it's a commitment!
- Enter the store already having a general idea of what you want to look for. Don't have specific things in mind, because odds are, second-hand shops won't have exactly what you want. However, I have learned that if you are on the hunt for something, there is a high probability of there being an item extremely similar to it.
- Stick to a couple of categories, and search for only things you need or envision in your home. Many times I've wandered aimlessly around a thrift store and bought homeware or sweaters I never displayed around my house or wore in public. Having a short list of items you want to look for makes the experience less stressful. Don't be discouraged if you don't find a single thing in your first store. You have the whole afternoon to shop!
- Overwhelmed by the dozens of racks of clothing, or endless isles of knick knacks? Start on one side of the store and move slow, one isle or one cubby at a time.
- It may sound silly, but it takes time to become a proficient antique or thrift shopper. I originally thought that going thrifting meant trying to find the perfect oversized men's sweater, or "vintage" pair of Levi's jeans. I quickly realized these items were the ones I donated right back or got tired of SO quickly. After a while of this cycle, I started venturing into the homeware sections, which leads me into what I actually like to purchase at antique malls or thrift stores.

What I Search For At Antique Malls or Thrift Stores
- Flower vases or plant pots
- Patterned rugs of any size
- Rustic, gold frames for artwork that I collect while traveling, or collect for regular photos to place around the house.
- Perfume/display trays. I like using these for perfumes, jewelry, or desktop accessories like candles or meaningful mementos.
- Kitchenware! Looking for kitchen dishes and dinnerware is so easy and always available, especially in antique malls. You can find any style or color, simple or elaborate. I highly recommend jazzing up your kitchen by buying gorgeous, good quality pieces from an antique store.
- Home decor! It's hard for me not to get carried away with vintage decorations, but I know a pretty item when I see one! Collecting antique home decor is my absolute favorite. If you know your color palette and your overall vision for your home, it's so easy to distinguish clutter from quality.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my advice on how to successfully go thrifting and antiquing. If you have any shopping tips to add, head on over to my Instagram page (leisurely.layne) and leave them in the comments. Thank you for taking time to read, feel free to share if you enjoyed! I hope you all have an amazing week.